Bluetooth low energy client-server architecture headphones and headsets for gaming

Bluetooth low energy client-server architecture headphones and headsets for gaming

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Bluetooth low energy client-server architecture headphones and headsets for gaming

In a client-server architecture, the client sends requests to the server over the network. The server replies with a response. This is the main paradigm behind the internet. Undoubtedly the most successful web technology ever released. For example, when you key in a URL address in a web browser, it first sends the address to a DNS server. The DNS server returns the corresponding IP address that has been assigned to the name. The client then sends a request to the server via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and once the connection is established, requests the server to send the requested resource. The server then replies with the appropriate resource, usually a text file containing markup information (HTML) that tells the browser how to display the information.

The file can also contain URLs for clients to obtain resources such as images or other pages. These extra links are seen as the real reason why HTML pages are linked to each other into a huge web network, and it is because of this that the term web pages and web servers comes into existence. 

Regarding the division of labor between server and client. There is a clear distinction between the two. Servers typically hold information in a structured form. Arguably, this information is the real reason the server exists. The information can be any form of data, like the current weather in Kona, Hawaii, the schedule for the next train from downtown Seoul to the airport, or just a chat among a group of friends. On the other hand, the client does not have any data and just sends the request to the server. Once a reply is received from the server, it can perform specified tasks, such as displaying a message to the user or sending a notification that someone they know has just tweeted something. 

The main advantage of the client-server architecture is the separation of the client and server. This division is necessary when different parts of the system are located on different devices. Taking one part as the server and the other part as the client, the relationship between the two in the system is determined accordingly.

The main advantage of this architecture is the ease of expansion. The client does not need to know anything other than the URL to be able to access the resource. The number of clients can also be very large. Some Internet sites may receive requests from millions of customers every day. The server doesn't really care who or where these clients are from, it just responds to every request.

The server architecture can also be expanded. Responding to millions of requests per day from a single machine can lead to overload or even service failure. The solution is to use many of the same servers that have access to the same information. Another way is to resolve the same domain name to different IP addresses and tell different clients to distribute the load evenly among the servers. This is called load balancing.